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About LCA

The London Consultants’ Association comprises leading consultants in the capital who work in a variety of private hospitals. Formed in 1998, the association’s principle objective to maintain the independence of…

GDPR Update

The General Data Protection Regulations are coming into force on the 25th May 2018, please click here to read our updated Privacy Policy on how we process and protect data   CMA…

Competition Commission provisional report 2013

The provisional report of the Competition Commission has concentrated on macroeconomics of the hospital/insurance market. The LCA is disappointed that the question of patient detriment has been largely ignored as…

Competition Commission Market Study

The Competition Commission Market Study has now commenced. Information about this can be accessed on the Competition Commission site which is here The initial issues paper from the Competition…

The OFT Report – April 2012

The OFT report has now been published and you can read it here. This report discusses the asymmetries of information which the OFT perceive as an issue.  The OFT have looked…