Doctors and Fraud… – August 2008
The question of fraudulent (or erroneous) billing by consultants is something that cannot be condoned. Whilst there may be errors due to coding inaccuracies, all consultants must be aware of…
Tax on Cars for Independent Practitioners July 2008
There has been a recent question raised by the Inland Revenue in Scotland about consultants who claim part or all of their car expenses against their private practice. There have…
Changes at BUPA July 2008
Dr Natalie J Macdonald assumes a new role at BUPA Insurance as Managing Director of BUPA’s UK Membership Business. For more information click here:
Healthcare Commission – New regulatory Fees and Consultation over the future of Independent Healthcare April 2008
The Healthcare Commission has written to us about their new charges and has also invited comments about the future regulation of the independent sector. Please go to the members’ area…
BUPA and AXA/PPP Networks in Ophthalmology and Orthopaedics – Updated April 2008
The AXA/PPP ophthalmic network is floundering in the London as very few small hospitals are currently recognised and all major independents, including Moorfields’ private wing, are not recognised. This has…