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Maurice Saatchi, Baron Saatchi of Staplefield

Dinner at the Athenaeum with Lord Saatchi

Maurice Saatchi, Baron Saatchi of Staplefield, ensured an entertaining and thought-provoking evening for LCA members, sponsors and guests, his after-dinner talk creatively exploring whether the NHS and Private healthcare are worthy of resuscitation.

Our Spring 2023 Influential Speaker Series Dinner at London’s Athenaeum Club as always provided a convivial opportunity for colleagues to discuss the current healthcare environment and share ideas for developing private care. 

Lord Saatchi co-founded one of the world’s leading advertising agencies, Saatchi & Saatchi, and was created a life-peer in 1996. He has a long interest in healthcare and introduced the Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Act 2016 with the aim of making it easier to introduce new medical treatments in the UK. He maintains a current interest in healthcare policy: his talk to LCA members proposed ideas for addressing some of the challenges in Britian’s evolving strategies for healthcare provision, including a Royal Commission rather than a Select Committee for an effective review of the NHS.

Lord Saatchi is the former Chairman of the Conservative Party and Shadow Minister for the Treasury and the Cabinet Office. He is Governor of the London School of Economics.

Baron Saatchi and LCA Chairman Mr Ellis Downes
Baron Saatchi and LCA Chairman Mr Ellis Downes

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