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LCA COVID-19 Survey and Roundtable with Keith Hague

LCA COVID-19 Survey and Roundtable with Keith Hague

“Scale of pandemic disruption exposed.”

On 15th May 2020 the London Consultants’ Association (LCA) launched a survey to hear from consultants across the sector how they, their practices and their patients had been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The LCA and its Board hoped that any responses received would help us to gauge the private practice climate and how we could support consultants and their patients going forward.

The survey received a rapid response. Most consultants’ work had been interrupted entirely by the pandemic with access to facilities mostly-wholly restricted. The growing doubt as to the survival of the private sector was gravely apparent and has been a point of discussion more recently in the media. The LCA is working with FIPO to drive this conversation forward and is working to initiate a proposal to restart private practice.


The LCA would like to thank everyone who responded to our survey; your responses have exposed the reality of COVID-19’s effect on private healthcare and raised the conversation from individual to national level.

Click here to read the Independent Practitioner Today (IPT) editor, Robin Stride’s article with comment from LCA’s Chairman and Company Secretary, Mark Vanderpump and Rosemary Hittinger (respectively) and click here for the analyses of the survey results in an exclusive double feature. 

Friday 5th June Roundtable with Keith Hague

The LCA invited Worldwide Healthcare Associates’ CEO, Keith Hague, to our Friday Networking Luncheon – relocated from Soho’s Quo Vadis to the virtual roundtable on Zoom – to share his view on the growing concerns for the private sector going forward in a post-COVID-19 world. Our Chairman, Mark Vanderpump, led the meeting with many of the issues raised from our survey’s responses.

Fellow attendees of the meeting shed some light on the effect this virus has had on practice and patients from their own experiences.

Many echoed responses from our survey that the sector had been under-utilised and most importantly, its patients had been left unsupported.

You may watch the roundtable belowThe video has been edited for length.

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