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London Consultants Association Announces New Chairman

Mr Ellis Downes, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, is taking over as chairman of the LCA from Dr Mark Vanderpump.

Mr Downes is keen to build on the LCA’s success representing consultants’ in private practice, strengthening and extending its membership both in London and more widely nationally.

‘The demand for private healthcare is increasing nationally and it is no longer exclusively perceived as London-centric’ he states. ‘My ambition is to make the LCA the Leading Consultants Association, where specialists interested in private practice can come for support, information and networking.”

Mr Downes believes that professional autonomy throughout the sector is being eroded by external pressures. He wants to ensure that patients choosing private care both now and in the future are able to access the most appropriate consultant for their needs to achieve the best possible personal outcome.

Mr Downes is keen to ensure that patients understand that choosing their consultant should be based on relevant specialist interests and a track record of delivering good outcomes. ‘Professional integrity must remain unhampered – the relationship between doctor and patient is sacrosanct.’ he says.

The LCA offers a range of business networking events tailored for consultants, including its popular medico-legal programme, and is now developing new programmes of educational and social events to be introduced in the new year. The LCA looks forward to welcoming existing and new members and sponsors to many of these.

The London Consultants Association also provides access to an Appraisal service at discounted costs to its members

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