“So you think you want to be a private consultant.”
OCTOBER 16th 2019 – PART I
With the rise of social media as a marketing tool in private practice, increasing discussion about pensions, private medical indemnity and new employment models – the LCA will be hosting a meeting of two parts to address some of these.
Part I of this meeting took place on Wednesday 16th October 2019 in the Maynard Theatre of the King’s Fund in London with a panel of speakers, who enlightened us about some of these questions faced by any consultant currently working in the private sector or hoping to move into private practice.
Please click here for a meeting report.
Please click here for a feature from Robin Stride in the Independent Practitioner Today’s November issue about this meeting
The evening’s programme may accessed here.
Part II of this meeting “Future working models in private practice” will take place on the 26th February 2020.
Many thanks,
– The LCA –