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Summer 2021 Newsletter

LCA News – Summer 2021 

Dear Members of the LCA,

I hope you have all been keeping well.

The last 18 months have been trying for everyone, for patients and consultants and in other sectors outside of the healthcare industry. One of those areas has been ‘events’ and whilst we hope that our ability to bring meetings to you virtually enabled us to still offer an array of salient topics and notable speakers, it is not the same as face-face and no doubt, there is a bit of Zoom fatigue!

With the lockdown restrictions due to lift next month, our aim is to re-launch our programme of events beginning with our Friday Networking Luncheons at Quo Vadis on September 3rd and followed by our Influential Speaker Series dinner at the Athenaeum on October 7th.

You may see more of our scheduled events for the remainder of 2021 in our LCA Newsletter Summer 2021.


More information about our upcoming events will be released soon and in case you wish to catch-up on some of our virtual events from this year, please visit our YouTube channel.


As always, take care and stay safe.


The LCA Board

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