Supporting Doctors in Private Practice

Private consultants’ network for peer support, mentoring, practice development advice and appraisals

Doctors in hospital


Benefit from prompt, personal and informed peer support for your private practice business challenges

People talking in restaurant


Build your private practice links with experienced colleagues across the wide range of medical specialties

Two doctors talking


Discounted appraisals arranged through the Federation of Independent Practitioner Organisations (FIPO) for fully independent consultants

Woman in meeting

Special Interest Groups

Forums for peer discussion and action as issues arise. Our Medico-Legal Group supports members providing expert witness services

About Us

The London Consultants Association comprises leading consultants in private practice in the captial and across the UK. Our principal objective is to maintain the independence of private medical practice and to defend the freedom of choice for patients and doctors.

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Smiling doctor

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The premier private consultants’ community


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Corporate Sponsors

Our Corporate Sponsorship model creates opportunities for networking and forging relations between our Doctors and sponsoring organisations, developing a shared understanding of services. Please contact us for more information about our Corporate Sponsorship packages and opportunities.